Heating & Air Conditioning SERVICES
Maintenance | Repair | New Install
For whatever reason, if your A/C is not working, everything else we might be involved with at that time takes a backseat until your problem is solved.
Our Heating & Cooling Maintenance
Services Include
We only do AC and we do it well.
New Installations
Home Energy Audit
New Construction
Warranties & Guarantees
System Diagnostic
Preventative Maintenance
Maintenance Specials
Free Second Opinion
North Phoenix | Cave Creek | Carefree | Scottsdale
Do you need your HVAC serviced for winter or summer? If so, contact Desert State Air for your reliable, guaranteed maintenance work.
Whether you are installing an air conditioner for the first time or replacing your old AC unit, it is important to have custom fabrication so the unit is installed correctly to avoid future problems.
New Construction
Custom fabrication is the best way to start a new construction. Otherwise, this makes for a very poor install. I do all the measuring and I make the sheet metal in our shop so it fits. No air leakage.
Preventative Maintenance
You can ensure optimal performance of your comfort system with regular maintenance. We also offer annual maintenance contracts, which can reduce the cost of a Performance Tune-Up.
CALL TODAY 480-912-4822

ROC 249198
Locally owned in Cave Creek, AZ since 2008, we know that having the right people on the job is just as important as choosing the best heating, cooling, and air conditioning equipment.
With 35 years of experience in the HVAC industry, we have learned to treat our customers with the respect that we would want if the tables were turned.